Kick off Meeting of the RefraPredict international project financed under the CORNET initiative and coordinated on Polish side by SPMO. The meeting was attended by teams carrying out research: from Germany FGF and Hochschule Koblenz, and from Poland Łukasiewicz-ICIMB, as well as industry representatives and coordinators from Germany i Poland.
After the introduction and characterization of the Project goal, individual teams presented the external scope of research:
- L.Ebar, K.Sarnow (HS Koblenz) – Development of model refraktory castables with systematically contaminated matrix Rusing prepared „precursors” and testing the „cold” properties of the model castables;
- E.Brochen – Development of innovative device enabling simultanous testing of the influence of the temperature gradient and mechanical load and testing the high-temperature properties of model castables;
- J.Podwórny (Ł-ICIMB) – Development of creep speed testing metod on the base the Norton-Bailey koncept and testing the microstructure and properties of model castables.
During disscusion, a lot of space was devoted to preparation of model castables.