Ceramic Days in Brussels

Dec 21, 2022

    On November 28-30 2022, the next annual European Ceramic Days took place. As part of this year’s Days, a meeting of the European Parliament Ceramic Forum (EPCF), a general meeting of the Ceramic Union, a gala dinner to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Ceramic Union, a public conference “European’s strategic autonomy of Europe in key value chains” and meetings of executive committees of individual European ceramic sectors organizations took place, including the European Refractory Manufacturers Federation (PRE).

    The EPCF plenary meeting consisted of two thematic panels:

      1. A revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) for a well-functioning single market for construction products.

      2. A Fit for 55 package adapted to the emergency situation of energy crisis in the European Union.

    The first panel was chaired by Elisabetta Gualmini, Chair of the EPFC, while the second,  , was chaired by Inmatriculada Rodrigez-Pereiro the previous Chair. Representatives of the European Parliament, the European Commission and the ceramic industry presented their position on the discussed issues. Speakers among the panellists included: MEP Adam Jarubas, shadowrapporteur of the Border Corrective Coal Mechanism (CBAM).

    EPFC meetings were held in the auditorium of the Museum of Natural Science, and a gala dinner was held in the Museum’s Dinosaur Gallery amidst huge showcases with the skeletons of these extinct animals.